Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Channel 2

It's funny how the Pirate Dogs channel people and events. A previous entry on this blog detailed how Weetzie channels my late mother-in-law. Now we are at July 7 2009. It's Ringo's 69th birthday. All day coverage of Michael Jackson's memorial. The day after the death of Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense during the VietNam war under JFK and LBJ. Farrah's demise has sort of been lost in the shuffle.

But the Pirate Dogs are reacting.

Ringo always had a sort of hang-dog look about him:

But that's nothing compared to Leny in a pensive mood:

Then there's Emma. This is the Captain but you'd never find a dog with a sweeter disposition. She can just be nice, like I've heard Farrah was. And she even had big hair from the groomer:

Now Weetzie already channels my mother-in-law, and she is certainly strange---as in Robert Strange McNamara---leave it to Weets to do the double play:

But the prize for channeling goes to Bertequila----this dog doesn't have a good bone in his body--HE IS BAD, like MJ's album

of the same name:

And I apologize for none of this. It's unfortunate some of these people have gone on to their reward. R.I.P.

And as for Ringo, Happy 69th!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

BdVdB said...

Is Cleo channeling Billy Mays?