Thursday, July 16, 2009

HP VI HBP: The Movie

Ok, the Pirate Dogs are not exactly enamored of their parents. They had to spend over 3 hours in the Nargle while we and Bucksnort went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Since their crate is named after one of Luna's creatures, they felt justifiably indignant at not being allowed to go with us. I'm sure they'll get over it by the time we get the Blu-Ray.

As for HBP itself, I was disappointed. Oh, it's got fine effects and I'd certainly seen the online reviews and knew not to expect a faithful retelling of the book. Just too many subplots and details. But seriously, burning down the Burrow????????? That was pathetic. In fact the entire sequence with Harry and Ginny in the swamp dueling Bella and Fenrir had NOTHING to do with the story!!! What about Marvolo Gaunt and Merope!! What about a real explanation of what horcruxes are. These are central to understanding both HBP and The Deathly Hallows.

Sorry, but in my humble opinion, given the extra time before W-B released this (remember--it was supposed to hit last Thanksgiving????), the producer and director could have given us more meat. The snogging is all well and good, as is portraying the humanity of the Malfoys. But crucial information was left out. I really hope they do a complete job on the last book, since they are splitting it into 2 films. Maybe they should have done that to this attempt.


clairz said...

Gosh, that was Fenrir? I get so lost in all the action. Got to see it a few more times.

BdVdB said...

I'm guessing that they'll take some of that crucial horcrux info and shift it into the final movies. It applies more directly to the last book's action, so they'll need to provide horcrux exposition in the next movies no matter what. In the interest of economical storytelling, they probably didn't want to repeat that info in consecutive movies.