Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Can you believe it??  This is the winner of the 2009 Westminster Dog Show which just concluded:

This is Stump, a Sussex Spaniel called out of retirement at 10 years old to suffer humiliation at the whims of its owner and handlers.  Poor animal probably lives in a crate and then has to perform on demand.

Real dogs don't do the Westminster Kennel Club.  We do real things, like growling:

And of course, pirating:

So next time you think about dog shows, remember there's show dogs and real dogs.  After all, I was an unwanted stray from Ohio and my crate's a Canine Pirate Ship.  I wouldn't trade the Nargle for all the "best of breeds" in NYC.  Besides, why weren't there any Sharpradors entered??

Love you all,
(with help from our Dad)


clairz said...

Yeah, yeah. Like there's no humiliation in being dressed up for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Far better than the winner.

Anonymous said...

Leny is the ultimate "pirate dog". She deserves best in show -obviously the Westminister doesn't know about the pirate dogs!

SB in NH