Monday, February 2, 2009



How could you?????????

We poor Pirate Dogs, treated like the lines from the Jim Morrison song When the Music's Over---we feel like the Earth,"our fair sister/ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her/..and dragged her down."

Our dear mommy did this to us!!!!!  Sure, we may have needed haircuts but THIS??????  Does this look like Pirate Dogs?????????????

Imagine dressing like this in the Crow's Nest!!!!!

And I sure don't feel like a Pirate Captain!!!!!

But we still love you anyway, Mom. 
 Just don't let that nasty cousin Esmerelda see us like this!!!!!  We know Auntie Bucksnort put you up to the bows!!!

1 comment:

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

"And since when do Pirates smell like coconuts and gardenias?" sobs the humiliated Captain. "J'accuse, Auntie Bucksnort, J'accuse!"