Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sometimes you gotta sing....

"Here we go loop-da-loop/ Here we go loop-da-li...."  So it's OK for the new Secretary of the Treasury to "forget" a tax obligation but the nominee for the Dept. of Health has to quit??  Isn't that a little bass-ackwards or is it a message about how much health care reform is really gonna cost?

"Oh happy day/Oh happy day...."  Took Barack Obama 2 weeks to say "I screwed up."  We NEVER heard that from W in 8 YEARS!!!!!  And if one were to compile a hierarchy of mistakes, I believe the Iraq War, opening Guantanamo, eroding our constitutional rights, giving no-bid multi-million dollar contracts to cronies and business associates, allowing the recession/depression to begin---any of these rank higher than appointing Tom Daschle and Timothy Geithner to the cabinet.

"Yo soy un hombre sincero/De donde creche la palma..." The Pirate Dogs and I still think we got it right on 11/4/2008.  I find the honesty emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave so refreshing.........And, unfortunately, so different from any of the predecessors in the Oval Office the last 30 or so years.

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