Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Making of a Birthday Card 2009

Our daughter's birthday is in September. This year, the Pirate Dogs decided to send their sister a card. O M G!!!!! The task would try the patience of the saints.

First, you assemble the crew:
Come here, 'Roid!!!

Then get them in position:

Please stay, guys!?!?!

Can't do a card without a message, right? Try that with a chewy chihuahua...

Bertequila, please.....

Now, Bertie, leave it alone.

Now, a few takes----------

Bertie's leaving and what's with Leny's expression??

Nice sitting but could you look any weirder???

Looks like Bertequila's leaving again

Gee, guys, would you sort of look like you're having fun??

Finally, they get down to business............

Happy Birthday to our sister Dee!!!!

Course they only do it for the rewards.......NOT!!!!!!

Good job, guys!!!

Chihuahuas love to get on their hind legs--makes 'em feel tall like big dogs..

And all that was done so we could be late with this:

The Pirate Dogs love you and we're sorry this was so late!!!!!!!


(Notice the absence of any felines---the Klingon Kats know to make themselves scarce when this crew is being made to perform....)


rz said...

Happy Birthday, D!

clairz said...

Oh, how I wish I'd had the camera out a little earlier in the production. You know, the part where they all kept leaving and you kept trying to chase them down!

And folks wonder how we keep ourselves entertained out here on the prairie...

Anonymous said...

i just love the birthday card you sent to dee. it almost looks like the crew were smiling in one of the picts. how'd you teach them to do that? sooooo cute! sometimes i wish i had a dog. maybe some day.