Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonia on the Sonar

Sorry---can't help myself.  Barack Obama has nominated the first Hispanic and fourth woman Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor of the federal bench in New York City.  Her credentials seem impressive (Princeton summa and editor of the Yale Law Review).  She has said things, as have we all, that can be taken out of context and used to attack her.  Does it surprise anyone this is happening?  It shouldn't, that's what our political system has become.
My point is that MSNBC should get Keith Olbermann to shut up.  On Tuesday, the Ed Show on that network had as a commentator on this nomination Tom Tancredo, late of Congress from Colorado and the Republican nomination chase.  If you don't know about him, a capsule description would be he's extremely anti-immigration.  So during KO's raving that passes for news/commentary on Wednesday, CNN had Tancredo commenting.  Keith mentioned it and said the former congressman had the credibility of a dead flounder, or words to that effect.  So why did his own network have him on the day before?  I agree that Tancredo is extreme and I totally disagree with him, but Keith, it's your network that first GAVE him a platform for his nonsense!!!!
Then there's Rush Limbaugh.  I wonder if it occurs to KO or his writers and producers that by mentioning this idiot on every show, they put him in front of an audience he might otherwise not reach---at least if the Countdown demographic is really somewhat intelligent, fairly liberal adults......
'Nough said.  Duck the bull and hope the political games end.  This woman has more varied legal experience than anyone presently on the Court.  And dummies don't get to graduate summa from Princeton.  I'll leave Yale out because it's the alma mater of W. but he didn't get to graduate school there.  Sonia appears to be a good appointment.  It'll beat summer reruns to see how the minority party tries to derail her.  There might be some smoking gun but I bet it won't be another Anita Hill.

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