Sunday, March 24, 2019


We perros piraticus would like to wish all our readers, friends, family, and chickens, as well as the Klingon Kats, a very Merry  Christmaand a Happy New Year!!!!
You can click or roll over the pictures to see captions.  And as the poet said, “…and to all a Good Night!!”

‘Tis the Season

So it’s that time of the year again.  Pecan harvest.  Luminarias, aka, candle-baggios.  Santas and reindeers.  We perros get to participate, too.   One year, the late great Bertequila got all done up for the holidays:
We miss him.  He was a bundle of laughs and howlies.
Speaking of howlies, there was the time our parents took us to the Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park  to see Señor Claus.  Leny and Petey reacted with howlies of excitement (or was that fear on Peter’s face????):
Worst part was, Santa was a friend of the family who frequently came over and played with us!!!!!
We didn’t get to go to Mesilla this year, but our parents and some friends did.  They went to an old hacienda on the plaza for the annual Nacimiento de Navidad open house which includes a display of nativity scene icons.  Dad took a few pictures:
It is, after all, the Southwest
A very nice old organ with several nacimientos on it
Handmade of straw and wax
A Storyteller for the Nativity
And of course no display of Naciementos would be complete without a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe:
So to all our friends, family, followers, and everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS from los perros piraticus…………..

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