Sunday, March 24, 2019

About Those Chickens……

Of course, we perros piraticus have our own individual personalities.  That has been chronicled on this blog many times.  But the flock in the backyard also seem to show some individuals with personalities.  There are several Rhode Island Reds, procured as chicks.  Now grown, three of them have definite discernible traits.
As you can see from the evil eye and firm demeanor, this hen is named Bitey.  Only a fool would put a hand in the nest without protection like a leather glove:
Now this next hen, looking a little ragged, screams bloody murder whenever the nesting box door is open.  Hence, Squawky:
And the last of the reds we’ll identify in this post is……….See if you can guess the name…..She just sticks her head out of the nesting box when the door is  opened:
Yes, that’s the Photobomber……
The above hens don’t have individual names yet.  The Wyandottes (top left) are noisy, boisterous, and friendly.  We frequently call them Weimaraners because they remind us of those dogs.  The other two hens are Cuckoo Marans, usually referred to as morons although lately, since they’re on hiatus from laying their chocolate-colored eggs, our dad has been calling them, macaroons…….
More on the denizens of then henyard later………

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