Wednesday, October 19, 2011

From Pirate Dog to....

The Pirate Dogs and their cousins have been watching too much media coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the terrorist trial of Abdulmutallab, the Underwear Bomber.  

Cousin Seymour Aloysius Siegfried Von Bucksnort, pictured,

has changed his name to Seymour Abdullah, the Dog Collar Bomber.

And Ensign Pablo Frijoles "Little Petey" has done his cousin one better.  Not content with just a conversion, Pobster the Lobster, as he is called, has founded the Symbolic Lobster Liberation Army.  All he needs is a newspaper heiress to complete his dreams.......

Of course the Klingon Kats won't be left out of this.  As one can see from the picture, Clytemnestra has raided the stores of the Canine Pirate Space Ship Nargle.

Can't wait to see what this crew does for Halloween..........


clairz said...

That's a crazy little world you've got going on in the back wing of the house, old man!

Anonymous said...

Know it's not me/Beth you are talking about. Do your dogs come to you when you call them? Poor kids! They don't what their names are anymore...

BZ said...
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BZ said...

of course they come!!! they are not cats. actually, all the klingon kats come when they are called as can't have the menagerie we have without their being well behaved.

Anonymous said...

Good kitties!! Glad the klingons come when called! Hope you are not shaking that bag of dry food when calling their names!! Cute photo's of all!!

clairz said...

I'm laughing at the idea of Bill shaking the bag of dry food to get the cats to obey. With the number of animals here, it would take a forklift to shake the bags that we buy in 1/2-ton sizes (or so) from Sam's Club!