Thursday, November 25, 2010

Of Turkey and Hamhocks

So this year the dad is doing the turkey.  Hope it all comes out okay.  There's this 20 pound fowl defrosting in the 'fridge. The shelves are collapsing from the food and liquid refreshments jammed onto them.  It looks like the preparations to survive a 5,000 year famine.
Leftovers down here on the floor have been a little sparse.  Monday at least there was spaghetti----fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic---we prefer plain spaghetti strands ourselves.  Tuesday the mom went to the dentist late and didn't make the  promised stuffed jalapenos---they ate green chile cheeseburgers from the place up the road---at least we got a couple of french fries.  Wednesday night were the stuffed jalapenos.  Even the dad found them hot so there's no way we Pirate Dogs were gonna touch them.  So now we are all trained and have fasted in preparation for the feast day.

Got to hand it to the dad for perseverance.  Imagine trying to make apple-sausage-cornbread stuffing in our kitchen.  First there was the Klingon Kat Griselda up on the counters wanting to sample everything.  Then the Pirate Dogs following every move ready to pounce on anything that dropped towards the floor.  And of course the minpinhuahua and the schnausehuahua can get underfoot like a trapper's snares, sending a person sprawling.  Of course, that's their mission---the captain would like nothing better than to see all that sausage fall to the floor--------MMMMMMMMMM!!!!  Too bad it didn't happen..........
But not for lack of trying.  Since the ltttle dogs couldn't get stuff to fall, the captain ordered the minpinhuahua to hamhock the sharprador---the two of them whirling through the kitchen made it impossible to move.  Still wondering why right after that we were exiled into the cold in the front yard----it's only in the 60s here, very chilly for southwestern dogs.......

Well, today the turkey gets cooked and there will be left-overs and treats for all!!!!!!  So



to you and yours.  Remember, the Pirate Dogs love you all (except for the Klingon Kats).  And Friday won't be black on the floor in the mud shack .......


Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. Can't wait.

clairz said...

How nostalgic to see those photos and the movie clip of little Bert. As he was barking on the computer, Pete came in to take a look.

I think you are doing a great job on the turkey!

Delia said...

Hope the cooking was a success and the Pirate Dogs had wonderful, tryptophan induced naps! (Humans too)