Friday, April 30, 2010

Le Pauvre Barack

Have you noticed that whenever President Obama tries to do something to promote bi-partisanship it blows up in his face??

He changed the emphasis from the Iraq war to the war in Afghanistan, correcting the error of W in fighting Islamic extremism. The left howled about his continuance of hostilities in the Middle East; the right complained he wasn't trying to "win."

He attempted to let the representatives and senators we elected reform health care and got such a hash of it that he had to personally force the question. Result---partial reform of the health insurance industry and not a hell of a lot else.

Finally, he caved to the "drill, baby, drill" proponents and allowed off-shore drilling. Be thankful you are not a fish in the Gulf of Mexico or the Mississippi Delta!!! Total catastrophe, makes the Exxon Valdiz spill look like a kindergarten play.

Maybe someday soon, the idealist and post-racial president will understand his true power, pursue his agenda of change, and we will all be better off---------------

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