Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Both Sides Now

"Bows and Flows of Angel Hair
And Ice Cream Castles in the Air
And Feathered Canyons Everywhere
I've looked at Clouds that Way"
---Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell

Dubya got trashed by his own party for trying to pass immigration reform--John McCain (R-AZ) was one of the prime movers for this reform. The present representatives of the people in WaWa, District of Corruption, refuse to move on immigration reform. John McCain, 2010 version, blames the Obama administration for Arizona's new " got your papers?" law targeting immigrants even thought profiling is still illegal(?!?!?!?). Lindsey Graham, R-SC and also a former proponent of immigration reform, now links any progress on this issue to the financial reform bill congress is also working on. Gotta wonder about these guys we elected who can't work on two critical issues at the same time. Gotta wonder how many sides of the same issue any one senator can be---------"Both Sides Now" may not be enough.............

It's criminal that this law passed and equally criminal that rather than solving the problem of immigration at the federal level, which is where it should be addressed, this issue and the immoral law it has engendered has become a political football and a game of finger-pointing is the best our high-priced senators and representatives, both Democrats and Republicans, can do!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You must be the most trusting person I know..... You honestly think that profiling was not alive and well in these United States. Yes, AZ took it WAY too far. I am boycotting EVERYTHING made in the state. But let's get real, Arizona just threw it in our face but profiling has been in all 50, all along!