Monday, March 22, 2010

"...with a whimper"

So the Christians and tea-baggers go from the capitol. Health reform, or at least, health insurance reform, was passed by the House of Representatives late Sunday evening. And the debate was at such a level that all Amerikans should be proud----cries of "baby-killer", "nigger", etc. raining down on our elected representatives. Stand tall, Amerika. From water-boarding to torture to the total dissolution of any modicum of civility, your partisanship rises triumphant. I am as disgusted with the inexcusable performance of supposed "leaders" over the health care debate as I was over the Vietnam war. What a pathetic excuse for a civilized country. So shall we go to our just desserts, not with a bang but with a whimper.........or in a hale of racist or hateful epithets.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

We may go down, but as far as I am concerned, it will be in a blaze of GLORY! I spent 18 hours fixed on CNN, CNBC, and also had the breaking coverage, steaming online. I finally fell asleep at 1:30am. I witnessed history in the making. I felt comfortable turning off the newest miniseries ....How A Bill Becomes A Law...when I saw MY president, the good man that he is, with his VP at his side, congratulate the efforts of the democrats that made this bill move forward. Wrong or right, this is what I call progress. I am humbled by Mr. Obama's matter the is NOT in vain. He did what very few have done before....he made people sit up, pay attention, read their history books and realize what kind of country we could be if only we wanted it........Do you?? The phrases and words like "baby killer" and "nigger" are a small price to pay for this effort. Those that spoke out of order (and out of their fucked over closed replublican minds) will be dealt with - in time. Time...a magic word. It is all about time..... I honestly believe, for those that that truly value "life" - Our time has come! And our time is NOW! I believe....

Hell, I put myself out there. Why not go all the way...

BZ said...

My preferred Dixie Chicks video is this one:

Natalie's right--we don't have "time to go 'round and 'round" The next generation will be the FIRST since this country was founded to not live as long, make as much money, or be better educated than the preceding one. We are out of time for the foolishness in our politics. I hope Barack takes the lead from now on and does not leave it to the alleged leaders in congress. Health care reform took way too long. hopefully immigration reform, a carbon emission tax or control system, and the end of allowing people to have automatic weapons will be shorter fights.....