Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The sole purpose of this post is to torture the Fabulous Penguin. This person is a friend who recently visited us in Las Cruces. Their intent is to move here. There are some reservations they have---the availability of New York style pizza, the ease of acquiring green chile, the usual real estate issues in the present market. All legitimate concerns. AND AS OF TODAY-----all moot!!!!
FP, todays special at Zeffiro's N Y Pizzeria was GREEN CHILE MEATBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, couldn't resist rubbing it in...........How could Las Cruces be any MORE perfect?????


BdVdB said...

Please send one pie to New York ASAP

Anonymous said...

Gnocchi Bolognese, Calamari Ripieni, Anything Saltimbocca (jump into your mouth), Pasta Fagioli, and of course, Zuppa Di Pesce - and I mean the one with lobster and clams! Find that FRESH in New Mexico! Even my cat threw a fit when he found out that the shrimp was "previously frozen".

T Fab P said...

Bill, isn't there something in the Geneva Convention that prohibits this sort of thing? Do Clairz and AB approve of this? Do green chiles go with ice cream? That maybe the only thing they don't mix with well. We are getting them, roasting them and have put them on burgers (told you I'll never be able to eat a plain old CB again) and we made your enchiladas again on Sunday and had them left over tonight. Will have to try them on pizza. I don't imagine that would taste too good...Our only problem is that the anahiems we get are pretty mild. we added a roasted jalapeno to the enchilada mixture to bring up the heat a bit. Must say I enjoy roasting the peppers - great smell and its sort of like when you get a sun burn and peel away... Hope all is well. When we get a chance we will fill you in on our real estate adventures - not good stuff but we are coping and developing a plan B to get us to LCNM ASAP!

BZ said...

BdVdB needs to visit LC. Afraid the pizza would lose a lot in transit........As for anonymous LT, I'll concede the Zuppa Di Pesce and the Calamari--very tough to get much fresh seafood in NM. But I can tell you first hand I've had excellent Gnocchi and Pasta Fagioli as well as an outstanding Minestrone. in LC. And 2 kinds of excellent pizza--both Zeffiro's ( Y style and Napoletana. Artisan breads too with great olive oil/garlic dipping sauce.

BZ said...

i thought the last republican administration repealed our membership in the geneva convention??? besides, this isn't as badas waterboarding.............x-hot green chile powder from ristraman---send your snail mail address and cz will send you some.........