Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rebels and Rapture

We are concerned about this new story from Michigan. Seems there's a group of Christian militia that plotted to kill policemen to foment revolution and prepare for the second coming of the Savior. End of Days, the Rapture, Armageddon, Book of the Apocalypse (now called Revelations).

Just a couple of questions. First, other than the moneychangers in the Temple, when did Jesus advocate violent overthrow of the government?? Is this about that black Muslim non-resident we elected president?? Post-racial society?? Dream on.........

Next, where in hell did they dream up the name "Hutaree Militia"????? Did they mean Hatari, the 1962 movie starring John Wayne about hunting wild animals in Africa?? I doubt these people had the intelligence for that word-play---Obama, black, father from Kenya, spearchucker, anti-Christ, any other racial cliches you might favor... No, more likely "Hutaree" is a perversion of Mutara, as in Mutara Nebula from Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan. That nebula is probably millions of parsecs closer to earth and reality than these wackos are!!!!!!!

Sorry if any words or phrases in this blog post offend anyone but in our opinion these are exactly how we interpret the intentions of groups like this, insofar as we can conceive of their thoughts.

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