Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Commodore

Ah the Pirate Dogs were in a frenzy this morning. Their beloved CPS Nargle had become unwelcoming. It was the arrival of the Commodore.

Readers are aware of the Pirate Dogs, Skippy Kee, and Androme-Clee . But there is another denizen of this domicile: Commodore Cody. And this morning he took command of the Nargle :

Now Cocklatine Cody is a geriatric male Siamese cat---over 10 years old. He takes no guff from any other resident of the house including the humans. His claws are sharper than sabers and he can flash them quicker than an épée maestro. The Pirate Dogs have nothing but respect for this fellow, hence the moniker Commodore. He truly is their Master and Commander, in the spirit of
Richard Bolitho, Horatio Hornblower, and Jack Aubrey. So his appearance on board caused them consternation and confusion. As I write this much later in the evening, the pirates are huddled in the living room and the Commodore is still ensconced upon the poop deck.

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