Sunday, September 28, 2008

Christian Nation

I received a very unwelcome email a couple of days ago about how Muslims can't be Americans. It was ignorant , racist, and repugnant. See cz's blog for some of the quotes and details. I feel the need to comment on this entire email/blogging/propaganda campaign that this election cycle has degenerated into. I really am disgusted by the ignorance and the absolutely unChristian behavior of the purveyors of this trash. Allow me to present a few facts:

First, Islam, also known as Mohammedanism, is one of the THREE great mono-theistic (for those of you who send garbage emails, that means belief in ONE GOD) religions. The other two are Judaism and Christianity. I hope all of you readers are familiar with those, at least. Abraham and Jesus are both revered as prophets in Islam. There isn't any Arabian desert moon-god.

Second, if Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, then why is there a big scandal about the relationship with the Christian minister Jeremiah Wright??? You can't have it both ways.

Perhaps it is time to decide if in fact we are a Christian nation. There's an awful lot of people professing to follow the teaching of Christ who seem more like followers of the Pharisees. Remember in the New Testament when Jesus said he was the new order, that the greatest commandment was to love God and also to love thy neighbor as thyself? Or when he instructed that he who was without sin should throw the first stone at the adulterous woman? He also replied with the parable of the good Samaritan when queried as to whom one's neighbor was. Wasn't His Crucifixion the ultimate turning of the other cheek? The attacks on homosexuals, the needless war in Iraq, the torture of people of Middle Eastern descent in places like CIA rendition centers, Abu Ghraib, or Guantanamo--- are these acts those of a nation purporting to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ?

Please don't misunderstand me. I have contempt for the people who flew those planes on 9/11. I believe our nation should do all in its power to bring the planners to justice. But to villify a race, to use "Islamic terrorism" as an excuse to put aside the excercise of our Christian principles, to use false attacks on a candidate because he is different, these are the tactics of the Sanhedrin. And I hope all the God-fearing " Christians" remember whom they had killed. Or do some of them even know????

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