Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Old age comes to all of us.  Sooner or later, there's that crack in the joints in the morning.  Sometimes these little physical ailments are accompanied by some greying around the muzzle or the brow.  But the geriatric male Siamese known around these parts as Commodore Cody is really having a go of it.

In his younger days, say at around 10 when this picture was taken, he was spry and alert.  You can tell from the expression in this picture that he has a clue of what is transpiring in his environment.

Today, he mostly sits on the kitchen table, looking for food.  When he opens his mouth, he emits no sound.   His lack of volume and teary-eyed look prompted a friend of the humans to insist he be taken to the vet.  Aside from a large amount added to the credit card, the result of that visit was the verdict that the Commodore is a healthy geriatric gentleman who has been prescribed special cat chow just in case he has some possible kidney dysfunction.  (I forgot to mention he no longer relieves himself in the cat litter box but rather he performs this act on top of the cover of the box.)

So Cody, at his advanced age, sits on the table, looks pathetic, and gets loads of human attention and sympathy.  Just look at this picture: 

But we Pirate Dogs know the truth.  Incontinence.  Forgetting how to meow.  The blank stare.  Isn't is obvious???  Commodore Cody is now the Alzheimer's Kat!!!!!!!!!


Delia said...

Poor Coty...good thing he too is in the New Mexico temperate to soothe those bones.

Anonymous said...

this was very good. i sent it to my cat loving friends....who also take care of an alzheimer's friend. thanks............hope the cat is not suffering.

Anonymous said...

nice pics esp of cody. fred

T Fab P said...

That has KJs fingerprints all over it...