Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Picture

Since we had evicted the dad from the couch, we felt this represented an appropriate opportunity for a new group picture to replace the old one on the header of the blog.  It just seemed to be impossible to get the entire crew together for this undertaking.  But this morning we accomplished it.  And while we all still miss midshipman Bertequila, it was time to update the portrait of the crew.

Midshipman Petey/Pablo has shown a penchant for guarding the newest arrivals---Bellatrix, Hermione, Tonks, and Fleur.  These are a Barred Rock, a RI Red, and two Americauna chicks.  We think this has more to do with his thinking they are his personal chewies than with any chivalrous intentions of protecting them from Klingon Kat predations............

For a fuller discussion of the chicks including some controversy over their names, see


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