Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome to the Nargle

And a new recruit has been added to the crew----Pedro "Little Petey".  After the loss in action of the midshipman Bertequila the crew had to continue on and the search began for reinforcements.  The humans were at the farmer's market on the downtown mall and happened upon a couple of volunteers from the animal rescue league walking about with available dogs in tow.  One chihuahua looked independent and probably not suited to the crew of the Nargle.  (Capt. 'Roid will have no truck with trouble-makers.)  But the young dog seemed very shy and overwhelmed by the cacophony of vendors, music, and humans chattering about this and that, frequently to no good end.  And those spleeny, bulgy eyes that looked out from the crook of the woman's elbow.............the humans were finished.  They proceeded about five steps before capitulating to the inevitable.  And Pedro was conscripted for the crew.............


Note the resemblance to the progeny of Anton Chico

Exploring with the Sharprador


BdVdB said...

Welcome aboard, Crewman Pedro!

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

Welcome to the Pirate Band, Little Peepeetly!!!

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

A message from Wheetzie:

You know Little Pete
Although you're so sweet
For sweetness
There's Wheetzie
With whom to compete

So now Little Pete
Let's twitter and tweet
I'll teach you
My secrets
And halfway we'll meet

Sincerely, your big sister Wheets

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the newest addition to your family. Too cute!!