Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some Saturday Morning Random

Over the top---------was sent this video of a politician's speech---

The comment was that the sender wasn't paying attention to how over the top some politics had gotten.  My suggestion is to read Gail Collins in the NY Times---this is a link to today's post:

I would recommend regular reading of her column because Gail has pretty consistently pointed out many of the absurdities and gaffes in this year's election campaigns.  It's done with some humor and both sides have been the subject of her barbs.

As for the economy,  one word----STIMULUS.  More is needed.  Don't just take the word of Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate in economics.  Read this leader from The Economist magazine dated Sept. 2, 2010:

Interest rates are at or near zero.  There's precious little that the central bank can do to get unemployment down and the economy rolling again. Real growth needs directional change from policy---it has to come from the politicians!!!  You know, those people with no cajones because it's an election year-----god forbid we'd do anything constructive that might help THE if you're a Democrat just try to be pandering and ingratiating so you can keep your seat; if you're a Republican just say NO.  And please don't worry---the middle class won't come out to vote because they get the shaft either way.

As John Mellenkamp says---"Ain't that America, land of the free....little pink houses for you and me."  Except we ain't got that guarantee no more thanks to the economic downturn and the lack of intestinal fortitude among our elected representatives.

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