Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Faith, Hope, and Charity. What Christian doesn't know these three virtues as the cornerstone of the faith. And the Golden Rule, right from Christ in the scriptures, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Words and feelings to live by and to guide us, the poor sinners trekking through the vale of tears and the valley of death. And how we count on the approval and example of our spiritual leaders. Pope Benedict, for all his flaws, met the woman who knocked him down on Christmas eve and forgave her. A true example for his flock.

But here in the US, with Christian fundamentalism running rampant, there are other shepherds, like Pat Robertson. Not one to be in thrall to the pope, this preacher came at the tragedy in Haiti with all the compassion of a spawn of Satan himself-----no forgiveness or compassion here. That earthquake was visited on the poorest Western nation because of a pact with the devil. Bet they have a lot of "homos" there too, huh, Pat??? Sometimes I wonder what the hell bible these yahoos are reading................

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