Friday, February 4, 2011

Of Snow and Sharpradors

It's been a touch of New Hampshire here in Southern New Mexico.  Temperatures haven't gotten above freezing for several days.  Our house really isn't plumbed for prolonged freezes---there's no hot water!!  The hot water heater is in a shed on the northwest side of the hose---it's enclosed and has an insulation jacket but such protection, while adequate for a couple of freezing nights, can't handle prolonged temps below 32F.
We Pirate Dogs can do without the snow and cold.  Two of us are Chihuahuas and really not comfortable with temps below 50F---time to burrow down under the quilts.  
But Leny the Sharprador has really had it.  Even though she came here from Ohio, via New Hampshire, she thought New Mexico would be retirement from snow and freezing paws.  Instead, she has been caught up in this mess:

"Really, what's up with this snow????????"

And to totally emphasize this atrocious weather pattern:

  All I can say is "Thank Sirius for warm blankies"

1 comment:

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

Poor puppies. What does Peepeetely think of all this white stuff? I heard a rumor that he was playing like a kid who was home from school for a snow day. Does he have any winter clothes yet? We'd better get busy and make him some new winter ensembles.