Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beyond Putrid

So what do "The Nature Conservancy", "Conservation International", and "The Environmental Defense Fund" all have in common besides being NGOs (non-governmental organizations) perceived to be on the "green" side of the environment debates?? Each has taken money and, in some cases, included on their board, BP. And we thought politics had an exclusive when it came to strange bedfellows?????
While their motives originally may have been "pure" with the intent to assist BP in moving "Beyond Petroleum", now we must question their commitments and rhetoric after THE SPILL. Again, as the hippies and yippies of the '60s became the selfish baby boomers of the '80s and '90s and the middle Amerikans of that time became the neo-cons who have wrecked our country's reputation and economy, these NGOs have lost some measure of credibility in the necessary struggle to contain the damage industrialized man has done to his only home. Further proof that left to its own devices, man can and will exhibit his worst tendencies.

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