Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Sitting on the west patio at the mud shack. Memorial Day week-end. Mid-afternoon Sunday. It's over 90 but the Chinese elms screen the sun and there's this nice little breeze. If the humidity is 10% that's high. The brisket is smoking, just about done--plenty for everyone, come on over....There are pirate dogs lazing in the shade on the patios. The pecan orchard is all leafed out and Picacho Peak is framed in green. It's been so long since I've had 3 days here---lately it's been rush over on Friday night and leave Sunday afternoon. Five more months and I can retire, probably will finish the year. Then I can enjoy this place and all that the area has to offer without guilt and without thinking I ever have to leave it again.


T Fab P said...

Oh man the DW and I love brisket! Some day soon we will be over for some! Went to a local pond today with the kids plus 0ne and had some chicken spiedies and first grilled Nathan's hot dogs of summer. Cannot wait. Love to the PD's and clairz...

Delia said...

I cannot wait for the end of the year for you and you can enjoy that view during the week!!