Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year???

Leave it to the current US government and the scientists in their employ. Have you ever in your life experienced such a heartless crew? 2008, in almost every respect, absolutely sucked as years go. War, famine, bi-polarism run rampant, increases in crime rates, unemployment rates, oil and gas prices. The only thing that went down was the assets of the middle class----their 401-k, their houses, their pay......And the government is ADDING a second to 2008 to get all the atomic clocks in tune or some such gibberish!!!! And they claim waterboarding isn't torture?? Compared to what 2008 has wrought, they might be right. They couldn't have let that second get added AFTER midnight so 2009 was a second longer?? Wonder how much my 401-k will lose in that extra second........

Check out this video--the Pirate Dogs and I found it amusing: .

The Pirate Dogs and their family wish that you and yours all have a Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

Happy New Year, Uncle Bill (I think it's a given that it'll be happier than last year in every possible way.... gawd, I hope so anyway) and thanks for the hilarious video link. I loved it!