Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday Primary aftermath

Some thoughts on the aftermath of the Super Tuesday primary---My brother is a "main-stream" Democrat, read Hillary supporter. We had an email exchange and I thought it appropriate to post some of my comments here. I have been and remain a Bill Richardson fan but since he has quit, I did not want my vote to help Not-so-Hilarious Clinton in any way so I supported Obama in my state's Democratic caucus. Here's why:
28 years of Bush-Clinton does not sound at all good. Neither has excelled at anything but divisiveness, partisanship, and a severe lack of vision for the country and its people. W's record speaks for itself. His father was out of touch. Bubba Clinton was a bubba---where's the latest Monica?? Are we proud of his administration---Somalia, a couple of genocides, failed Hillaricare, the failure to see the threat of Al-Qaeda and Islamic extremism??? Could Obama do worse????? Look at the group around Hilarious---same as the ones who screwed up with her husband. Time for a change----if we elect her we might as well amend the constitution to allow for dynasties and the divine right of kings. It's been 40 years since 1968---Chicago, Vietnam, loss of personal liberty. What's changed in Washington???? NOTHING. This is the opportunity for a radical change; otherwise we'll suffer another 40 years of regression as the world's leader. We are getting hammered and continuing on the same path is ludicrous. In terms of Clintonistas---been there, done that, didn't work then, why do it again??
Obama MAY screw up like Carter but I'm sure Hilarious would.

1 comment:

BdVdB said...

There's nothing funny abut Hillaricare...


Andrew Sullivan wrote this of Obama. It speaks of his "lack of experience" by giving us examples of what he HAS done: