Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

So the traditional end of summer has come. Here in Eastern NM it's pretty rainy, cloudy, and humid. More than we usually get, much less than Down East.

I watched the DNC last week and will hit the high spots such as they may be of the RNC this week if Hurricane Gustav doesn't force its postponement. Instead of Sarah Palin (who???????) all the talking heads, or I prefer Frank Rich's term "bloviators", are tracking the storm. It looks like the Big Easy is gonna get clobbered again. Hopefully the present administration is performing as well as they are talking about their preparedness. Pray for the Gulf Coast.

Speaking of prayer, "[T]hey believed in America as they believed in God-they could not really ever expect that America might collapse and God yet survive, no, they had even gone so far as to think that America was the savior of the world, food and medicine by one hand, sword in the other, highest of high faith in a nation which would bow the knee before no problem since God's own strength was in the die." Describes the current royalty under Dubya, doesn't it? But this passage is about the Republicans from Miami and the Siege of Chicago by Norman Mailer written in 1968. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Ever note the similarity between Antonin Scalia and Julius Hoffman??? Both think it's ok for defendants to be shackled and gagged in the presence of the jury. Fair trial??? About as fair as a good dunking chair in Salem MA.

I see Rush Limbaugh's pleas for a repeat of Chicago in Denver didn't happen. A few protesters, a couple yahoos with guns investigated for a possible assassination plot. I don't think I understand why there won't be massive protests in St Paul. It's McCain who's come out for the draft. Of course, we don't need a draft. Dubya and "Dead Eye Dick" both learnt the lessons from their Vietnam draft evasion--the National Guard!!! So they send the Guard to do multiple tours in the Middle East. What the hell, they'd just dodge a draft, this way they have to serve!!! Get with the program, McCain. By the way, does John McCain really think so little of women that he believes he will pick up their votes by having a female running mate?? I am certainly no fan of Hillary but her speech Tuesday last was very good, especially when she asked her supporters if it was her or what she stood for that was important. Maybe the Rovians running the McCain "campaign" should have listened in.........

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